clinical trials n.


be (in), begin, be proven in, be related/ assigned to, be shown in, clarify, conduct, enable, enrol in, enter (into), examine, extend, go ahead, involve, produce, propose, prove, stand, start, undertake, utilise; 


placebo‑controlled, conducted, enhanced, first‑in‑human, human, initial, involved, late‑stage, phase‑I, proposed; 


even when conducting clinical trials to study widely used therapies, researchers must ensure that they disclose the full risks to patients; unfortunately the published results of human clinical trials have been quite disappointing; proof of efficacy generally demands double‑blinded, placebo‑controlled human clinical trials to meet the requirement of adequate and well‑controlled studies;


randomized studies that investigate the risks and benefits of existing treatments, clinical tests;


klinische Versuche/ Tests/ Prüfungen/ Studien, Nachweis der klinischen Wirksamkeit;