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In an era of neural disinformation, the ARCS can help sniff out machine-written propaganda,
The ARCS version 2019 provides a new feature: The user can produce more than
1,000 thematic collocation dictionaries (TCD) within seconds.
Why must translators use my collocations dictionary?
Do you want to feel more confident about your written and spoken English? The ARCS is like your phone: soon you’ll feel naked without it. The true reality revolution is augmented.
St. Thomas Aquinas said: “It is the task of the good interpreter to look, not at the words, but at the meaning.”
The ARCS organises words and concepts as layers or documents where all words in a layer take input from all the words in the other layers. Computational experts call this a multi-layer perceptron. Effective retrieval is accompanied by high-dimensional and efficient representations of neural activity. “Furthermore, we find that quick learners display more compact embedding of their neural responses, and hence cognitive coding.” (Evelyn Tang et al. In: Neuroscience 22, 2019)
Human-centric jobs
This curated way, where an advanced reader with an alert mind looks at the material and has the final call, is the best way for authentic language production and translation. And semantic faithfulness is arguably the most commonly accepted and fundamental goal of translation. The ARCS will augment human intelligence in multiple areas.

What the Author Does
I am an independent scholar and computational linguist. As the author and inventor of this cutting-edge electronic dictionary, I have been collecting modern English collocations, i.e. authentic English word combinations, since 1980. The written sources cover a great variety of all walks of life. This universal dictionary is updated on an almost daily basis. Through this work I want to help users to speak and write natural English.
In addition, one can find German equivalents of almost all fixed collocations. Thus it is bilingual.
The ARCS is a part of the 100 million word British National Corpus.
The ARCS has been sponsored and validated by the European Union, i.e. by ELRA, the European Language Resources Agency in Paris.

is an inter-linguistic transfer and, therefore, a change of cultural perspective." (H.B.)
"Perceptual learning shows that culture determines
what we can see and cannot perceive." (Doidge)
Version 2019 is Now Available For €47.50. Orders Are Welcome.
This is a special offer from the author for single-users only. Send an e-mail to the author and pay by PayPal.
the ARCS 2014 provides 190 fixed collocations with the word “treatment” and their German equivalents, as well as 95 adjectives that collocate with the noun “remark”.